Sponsor Spotlight: MaxCDN

“At a time when the world is moving ever so quickly, the world is also ever so impatient. Studies show that your customers will not wait for long website load times which proves that site acceleration is key to you business’ financial success.”

MaxCDN-Black-200x33 If you’ve been working in the web and you haven’t heard of MaxCDN then you might just be living under a rock. MaxCDN is synonymous with speed and performance. In this day and age, every millisecond counts with search engines; you can’t afford to be slow.

We incredibly stoked to have MaxCDN on board as a sponsor for WordCamp LA 2013!! We want to say “thanks” to the entire MaxCDN/NetDNA team. Your support means so much to us!

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One Response to “Sponsor Spotlight: MaxCDN

  1. Thank you for having us! =)